
DCIA Generative AI Club 03月19日 | Reshape Contact Center With AI

As an assistant professor at Miami Herbert Business School, Dr Xu Sun's expertise in dynamic systems modeling and control is unparalleled. He will shed light on the revolutionary impact of artificial intelligence on call center staffing. Traditionally, staffing decisions relied on basic metrics, but with the advent of AI solutions, this paradigm is shifting. He will explore how AI tools such as demand forecasting and virtual assistants are enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, he will delve into AI's role in optimizing agent assignments and its empirical effects on call handling time and customer complaints. Please don’t hesitate to join us as he guides us through this exciting journey.
- 活动时间:03月19日周二 5:30PM PT, 7:30PM CT, 8:30PM ET
- 活动地点: Zoom https://zoom.us/j/94215754562?pwd=bGlOSVhYR1dYeXViVFRrL2tPOVplQT09
- 活动费用:免费
- 参与链接:扫码进入会议

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